(BREAKING: Tulsi's on Gutfeld. Dropping truth bombs. It might be uploaded somewhere, so take a look.)
1. Autumn Leaves (Prelude)
The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold I see your lips the summer kisses The sunburned hands I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon I'll hear old winter's song But I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall
2. Baskets of Xleb
Moscow has submitted concerns to the United Nations about an agreement on Black Sea grain exports, and is prepared to reject renewing the deal next month unless its demands are addressed, Russia's Geneva UN ambassador told Reuters on Thursday.
The agreement, brokered by the United Nations and Turkey in July, paved the way for Ukraine to resume grain exports from Black Sea ports that had been shut since Russia invaded. Moscow won guarantees for its own grain and fertiliser exports.
The agreement helped stave off a global food crisis: Russia and Ukraine are two of the world's biggest grain exporters and Russia is the number one fertiliser exporter. But Moscow has repeatedly complained about its implementation, arguing it still faces difficulty selling fertiliser and food.
In an interview with Reuters, Gennady Gatilov, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said Moscow had delivered a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday setting out a list of complaints. UN officials are due in Moscow on Sunday to discuss the renewal of the agreement.
"If we see nothing is happening on the Russian side of the deal - export of Russian grains and fertilisers - then excuse us, we will have to look at it in a different way", he said.
Asked if Russia might withhold support for the grains deal's renewal over the concerns, he said: "There is a possibility... We are not against deliveries of grains but this deal should be equal, it should be fair and fairly implemented by all sides".
3. Tulsi
The general Russian attitude towards political figures in the US, as Megyn Kelly so painfully learned, is they don't care.
The establishment - the lobbyists, the "Deep State" with all the acronyms - remain. Victoria Nuland moved to a think tank in 2017 and returned only four years later, to the planet's chagrin.
That being said, the people over there still keep an eye on what's happening in the West. For now.
Written by Tony Cox from, inter alia, Bloomberg.
“The former presidential candidate has shown that opposing regime-change policies is the one taboo that the ruling class won't tolerate.”
“She's like a far better version of Kamala Harris.”
“Try to imagine the current vice president being younger, smarter, likable and principled.” (And prettier.)
“The only Democrat who didn't join with other party members in the House to vote for Trump's impeachment.”
“After she raised concern about claims of US-funded bio-labs in Ukraine, Senator Mitt Romney accused her of spouting treasonous lies.”
“But the one real deal killer, the one truly irreconcilable difference, was war. ‘I can no longer remain in today's Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers’, she said.”
“All the gamesmanship about race, gender, and other trumped-up social issues is just political theater. What really matters in Washington is war, and Gabbard’s effectiveness as a communicator makes her dangerous to the war machine.”
(Once again: staggering illiteracy.)
Tulsi must buy a car without a computer inside if she doesn't want to end up hitting a commercial trailer on two line village road coming from the opposite side with 150 miles per hour.
She actually did say exactly the same things about the Republicans being the same warmongers and part of the military-industrial cabal like the Democrats on her extensive interview on the Joe Rogan Show.
With her first public statement it was to announce she was leaving the Democrats and the reasons why, so it was not supposed to be about the Republicans.
She said what everyone thinks.
The world needs many more like Tulsi if the western war machine is to be ended, and peace made possible.
Wow, even in the US it is possible to find a classy lady!
Be safe Tulsi. Killing people like you is second nature to the warmongers.
I'd like to believe she's the real thing, but all the extraordinary media attention she's been getting lately gives me reservations. Seems like convenient timing for the 2024 election cycle. President? VP maybe?
(It's pointed out in the comments at the Saker. She tried both the CFR and the WEF and loudly left them both.)
The interesting thing here seems to be the timing.
Tulsi Gabbard quits 'warmongering' Democrats
“She will have to create her own party.”
That depends on what she wants. No one's contending she has further plans.
Leaving one's party when that party has gone the way it has: no one needs further justification or motivation. Just wait and see.
Rogan Repost
Joe Rogan reposted the following clip on 11 October. It's from an earlier show with Tulsi. He has a reason. She brought it up again tonight on Gutfeld.
This clip takes 15 minutes. Kick back.
BTW: “continual state of war” - that's from 1984? Right?
4. Swan Song
"You'll only be required to learn the word 'peace' in the six languages spoken on the floor."
The Interpreter
Watching the rise of new political stars, especially for or by people who normally eschew politics, can be fascinating. But how often are campaign promises met? How often do we hear about yet another scoundrel in yet another political scandal?
A recurring subthread in Sydney Pollack's final movie The Interpreter is the tragic downfall of Edmond Zuwanie. To quote the screenplay:
"It's hard to remember that Edmond Zuwanie was once a good man. That's not unusual for these guys. They all begin as liberators and twenty minutes later they're as corrupt as the tyrants they overthrow."
So trustworthy representation can have a finite shelf life?
No matter - you simply restock when needed.
"And they follow one another as the day follows the night, the right becomes the wrong and the left becomes the right." - Mark Knopfler
There are no autumn leaves in the Arizona desert. Only cactus. And scorpions. And rattlers.
5. Autumn Leaves (Slight Return)
"The Italians know food, the French know fashion, the Russians know ground war." - Gonzalo Lira
A comment found at Moon of Alabama.
“As the weather trends colder, the Ukrainian conflict will become more poignantly real to both Ukraine and the West.
“For Ukraine, the leaves will fall exposing military positions in wooded areas. With Russia's many more and better drones, this exposure will make being a member of the AFU on the front lines more dangerous. The cooler temperatures do not bring in more rain into Ukraine. But, they do slow the evaporation of moisture from the ground. So, moving heavy equipment through the mud becomes more difficult. Perhaps this is one of the more important reasons for Ukraine to have scheduled offensives last month before the autumn rains caused so much mud.
“The colder weather is going to start seriously impacting both industry and normal civilian life. With greatly reduced gas or no gas coming in from Russia, the coming European weather is going to remind just about everyone in Europe there are freezing consequences for embracing Ukraine and its leadership.
“A lot of fallout from the colder weather is coming to the West. Perhaps a lot of radioactive fallout is also coming.“
Add to that: the masters of ground war can't start moving west until the ground freezes. Wait until it's frozen to know a bit more about their plans.
Yale, Autumn 2018
On September 27, 2018, Yale's Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, and the Poynter Fellowship for Journalism hosted Vladimir Pozner, the acclaimed Russian-American journalist and broadcaster. Pozner spoke on the impact of US foreign policy towards Russia after the Soviet Union has been disbanded, and shared his opinions on a range of issues raised by the audience, from the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections, to Skripal poisoning, to the state of independent media in Russia and the US.
6. Sandy
Sandy Cortez is on Team Raytheon, said Tucker Carlson a few nights ago. And Sandy (aka Alex) did a Townhall. Can this be cataclysmic?
Tucker found the clip.
7. Alex
How the White House Went After Alex Berenson
Twitter actually resisted taking action. Documented.
8. Arizona
Climate varies across Arizona, but the Valley of the Sun - the greater metropolitan area of Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Paradise Valley - is spectacular.
You have to prepare properly to travel there. Woolen clothes? Forget it. You want washable cottons. And so forth.
You're in for major lifestyle changes. These can take a while to get used to, but they're all for the good over time.
You dress down to go outdoors and you dress up to come indoors.
Desert landscaping replaces your lawn.
Thoroughfares don't have gutters - why would they?
It rains on average fifteen minutes per year.
The average number of sunny days per year is 364.
People have been known to freeze outdoors at night with 80ºF.
The humidity level rose significantly above zero only when people started building swimming pools.
The climate's good to you, to say the least. It's so dry, they warn, that you have to be careful you don't overestimate your strength. You're feeling really great, you go for a walk, you're still feeling great - but after a few minutes you suddenly don't feel so great any longer.
So take along water. And stay hydrated.
Apartment complexes look like they're taken out of an Aaron Spelling series. Like Melrose Place. They have swimming pools, yet no one will use them until the outdoor temp hits 100ºF. The same with A/C. No one bothers turning it on until then.
Downtown Phoenix might not be a tourist attraction, but Scottsdale certainly is. It's certainly a great place to live. You've never seen tidy and clean like Scottsdale.
Right in the middle of Scottsdale you find Paradise Valley. This is more rural, less city-like, than Scottsdale. People can find scorpions there. Rattlers too, most likely. One of the local rags had an op-ed on how you just leave rattlers alone and they will leave you alone.
And in the middle of Paradise Valley: Camelback Mountain.
The place is gorgeous. No one has climate like that.
ASU is in there somewhere. It too looks like a fantasy world. So clean, so tidy.
Rosemary. Everywhere the smell of rosemary. Rosemary bushes line the sidewalks on major streets. Walking out of your favourite Italian sandwich shop to the smell of rosemary: it's unique.
Sitting outdoors at a restaurant on Scottsdale Road at ten o'clock in the evening, sipping a slightly chilled glass of claret, the food's on the way, the stars twinkle in the absolutely clear sky above, the temp's about 80ºF: more cannot be right with the world.
There's an Indian reservation going north up Scottsdale Road towards Bell Road. They'll have general stores there. Bell Road has sweeping ranches with horses running wild.
9. Kari
Hearing about someone like Kari Lake brings it all back home. Kari's not from Arizona, wasn't born or bred there, but Kari is Arizona. Take one look and you know.
Kari was in television for thirty years. She knows the media. She knows how they work. She was the most popular anchor in the area with a show called “Hook and Lake”. Now she's had it with what the media's become and decided to go into politics. She's running for governor in a state where the corruption sneaks up on you.
You don't yet know who Kari is? You need only see her in action once and you're sold.
Kari turned her back on Fox in March 2021. “Journalism has changed a lot.”
CNN tried to get at Kari in October 2021. Bad move.
Kari did a remote interview with a nut-job in Australia in February 2022. This one is long and tedious but it's amazing that she's able to keep her cool.
Then in May 2022 she gave this interview with the Arizona Republic, a leading broadsheet that she affectionately calls the Arizona Repugnant. They evidently reckoned on walking away with a triumph, but things didn't work out that way, so they didn't run the story. The audio improves after 3:00. Kari obviously knows what's going on by 4:00. After 8:00 she knows she owns it.
Kari writes:
“The Arizona Repugnant has been BEGGING us for a sit-down interview. They claimed that they wanted to write about my Border Policy. This was weeks ago and they STILL have not said a word about any of my policies or my vision for Arizona. Instead, they have thrown a handful of hit pieces our way. Oh well! If they won't share what we gave them, I will just give you the full interview. Enjoy! (Audio issues clear up after 3 min mark)”
"You've been here only ten months, Stacey. You don't understand Arizona."
(Kari was on her way to seeing 2000 Mules.)
Bret Baier is next.
February 2022. Her first campaign ad. Watch!
Here she is on 2 September. Mercy.
Here she is the same day, speaking about one of her all-time idols.
A few days earlier, she spoke about the competition.
September 19. Her first “ask me anything” tour. Downtown Phoenix. (And only one microphone?)
September 26. Kari joins Tucker to talk Meloni.
"I'm not afraid of the fake news, I'm not afraid of the globalists, I'm not afraid of anything that I'm facing on the campaign trail. I'm not afraid of the cartels. But I'm scared to death of what happens if we don't step in right at this moment and do something."
Katie Hobbs is a product of the party machine. No agenda, just keep the corruption going. Hobbs won't debate Kari. Not hard to understand why. Kari steals the show, steals any show.
But debates are also about issues, and also about letting the voters see how candidates measure up when the going gets tough.
Kari's fighting a tough battle. She's almost too good for politics. But Arizona is a beautiful place and Kari Lake is a beautiful woman. And tough as nails. She will go in kicking and she'll get the job done. Arizona needs Kari Lake. Lots of places would do well with someone like her.
Here's Kari dealing with an “ambush”. This clip is posted on her own channel.
"It's a time for self-reflection for everybody in the media."
8 August. Kari goes scorched earth on political enemies.
"We drove a stake through the heart of the McCain machine."
This clip brings a lot of important issues to the fore.
It's the old story of Tommy Smothers who gave CBS exactly what they wanted - a Sunday night share dominated by NBC. CBS tried ten (10) times and failed.
What did Tommy do? Brought in the best of the best. Steve Martin's first gig. Rob Reiner's too. Carol Burnett in as a collaborator. Think about it.
But the sponsors didn't like Tommy. Why not? And more importantly: who's to blame?
The sponsors were afraid of getting associated with the show? They were afraid of losing patronage? That’s of course difficult to gauge - if it were actually ever gauged. A popular show also affects sales negatively? Did they actually know? Or perhaps they personally didn't like the show?
But the claim of course is that it's all about money. Is it?
“I'm reaching people”, says Kari.
Yes she was. Yet what's troubling is that, for all the charisma Kari has, she's still running only neck and neck with a virtually unseen grey opponent who plays the game as part of a dirty and corrupt party machine.
Something's not right.
Politics is addictive. Politics can hurt people. But it's hard to stay silent when one sees injustices in the world.
Forbes 10 October: “Kari and Hunter's Crack Pipe”.
Kari brings a lot to the table, but perhaps best of all is how she dismantles and dismembers the media. We personally know people who've had to back away, others who've been persecuted, others who've been incarcerated, and all because an apprentice at an MSM outlet tried (succeeded) in doing them in.
Alina Lipp, Vanessa Beeley. Eva Bartlett… The list is long.
10. Odds ‘n’ Ends
Tulsi goes on the stump - for a Republican.
US extends Covid public health emergency even though Biden says pandemic is over
The FBI framed Trump and saved Hunter Biden: It’s time to clean house, for good
Michigan computer scientist says 'serious privacy flaw' present in Dominion Voting Systems machines
Alex Halderman is legendary - he really knows what he’s talking about. Further info here.
Paper ballots: that’s the only way. Anything else is anarchy.
Autumn Leaves was written in 1945. The article cited says it's an example of a "circle of fifths" progression which it is not. The list of covers is impressive.
A growing number of pundits are warning that many people, especially in Europe, will perish this winter because of their unrealistic “green” energy policies. This can unfortunately be true, but the chief factor of course is the unforgivable stubbornness in supporting a true Nazi regime in Ukraine only so the US can remain “#1”. It won’t work, and lives are in the balance. Perhaps the citizenry at that Townhall in the Bronx can win the day.