(Foreword There's some dumb talk going around that we have something to do with - get ready - QAnon. That's just stupid. There's more dumb talk that we're connected to the - Kremlin? That's even stupider. Anyone making such a claim: look at them again. You've spotted a real case. Ring the zoo. And avoid things like that like you would the plague. There's something wrong with such people, and that could be contagious. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming - after these brief words from our sponsors.)
No, those aren't exotic peppers from a beachfront Sicilian seafood restaurant. They're blood clots drawn from the veins of Covid vaccine victims.
The photo is provided by Ryan Cole, a colleague of the gents at the FLCCC. Ryan runs his own laboratory in Boise Idaho. He's collaborated on several US Senate panels. He's spoken at the Defeat the Mandates in Washington and LA.
Ryan knows the science like few others. He's also a man of conscience. He's been harassed to within an inch of his career by the shadowy grey people sneaking around the corridors of power. And he doesn't hesitate to dish it right back.
Ryan's a human motivated by fact. And he says, point blank, that what's been going on is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
The situation today is beyond serious. We have mega-rich amateurs with an obscene lack of intelligence and integrity, yet nearly limitless power and clout, running and ruining human history.
Vaccines were never the cure. Ivermectin was. Peter Daszak designated hydoxychloroquine (HCQ) back in 2018 in his proposal to DARPA, the proposal turned down by DARPA, the all-too adventurous (and illegal) GOF gamble that Tony Fauci ended up funding for Zhengli-Shi in her BSL 2 lab in Wuhan, the virus they were going to turn into a vaccine to end all vaccines, the virus that instead leaked and became SARS-CoV-2. Daszak and Fauci knew, already two years earlier, that there was a fully adequate antidote that they, seemingly for more “personal'‘ interests, were going to have to disparage and, if fortunate enough, all but outlaw.
But Ivermectin was discovered to be even better by May 2020, applauded by its inventor, Nobel laureate Satoshi Ōmura, and so now Ivermectin, which has thankfully eradicated Covid from so many places, much to the dismay of and despite harassment by Collins, Daszak, Fauci, Gates, and others, has to come to the rescue for the millions injured by the vaccines that were never legit and should never have been given.
The FLCCC, on the case from the beginning and doing the job their government should have been doing, are on this one too.
1.5%. An estimated 1.5% of the vaccinated are injured. So far. And have already or will soon present symptoms. Perhaps with blood clots as seen above. It's a vainglorious mess created by people of questionable competence, their hands on virtually unlimited funds.
The vaccines aren't even legit vaccines. And you do not - repeat: do not - vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic. And you do not provide Emergency Use Authorisation if there's a viable or superior alternative. The vaccines are in “stage three trial” phase - they are “investigative” only. They’re not suitable for use.
It's hard to know where to start here. Every time the scope of this story seems to come into focus, another part emerges and everything changes again.
For the great majority of Covid vaccine survivors, things are going to be peachy, at least for a while. Current educated guesstimates put this majority at about 98.5%.
But 1.5%, or 15 out of a thousand, have not or will not fare as well.
Those 15 per thousand could be football players struck down in the middle of a match, or basketball players on the court, or the driver of your bus, or the pilot of your plane. Those 15 can include you. People who were coerced and who “caved”. Ryan Cole points out that such coercion is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.
But that's something for later, once the Big Pharma corruption dust has cleared. We need to go back, figure out what happened to the human race from both a medical and a political POV, figure out who did what and why - and then rescue those we can. For 15 out of 1000 are going to need help. And the medical establishment won't be helping them.
Here's the solution. This is recommended for all those who've taken the vaccine. Especially for those who do not feel well. You're not going to get any sage advice from your GP, so you're going to have to make it on your own, or get in touch with one of the doctors connected to the FLCCC. (They have contact info at the site.)
I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment
This is also available as a PDF.
You should read the document carefully. Thanks.
“Early treatment is essential: it is likely that the response to treatment will be attenuated when treatment is delayed.“
So what are the elements of this protocol?
- Intermittent daily fasting or periodic daily fasts. Intermittent fasting likely has an important role in promoting the breakdown and elimination of the spike protein. The thing with the vaccines - one of the things - is that they don't stop making spike proteins. They just carry on.
- Ivermectin: 0.2-0.3 mg/kg, daily for up to 4-6 weeks. Get this from India or Thailand where quality is high and prices are low. The patent on Ivermectin ran out in 1999.
Ivermectin is the key drug. As a prophylactic, as used in Argentina, it was 100% effective. No one got sick with Covid. Just like Pierre Kory told the US Senate in December 2020.
Other components in I-RECOVER include melatonin, aspirin, vitamins C and D3, quercetin, and HCQ. (Yes it takes more care and more medications to save the vaccine-injured than to prevent someone from getting Covid in the first place.)
Save these links and share them with everybody. Remember: you're not likely to get the attention of your GP. But don't fret the zombies for now.
Here's an explanation of how FLCCC thinking evolved.
“As practicing physicians, we have seen more and more patients with side effects from vaccines and from prior COVID infection coming to us for help. These patients suffer from a range of debilitating symptoms that require comprehensive treatment. Beyond that, they have been disparaged and sneered at by healthcare workers who refuse to acknowledge that their symptoms may have derived from vaccination. Too often they are sent home with little to no relief...”
Ryan Cole in Boise
Now let's go back to August 2021 and make sure everyone is acquainted with Ryan Cole.
OK, so now let's fast-forward to March of this year. Some pretty remarkable things started happening. Here's Ryan again, now with Steve Kirsch.
“I didn't get the first two shots and I'm not getting the third!” - Ryan Cole
“They live in denial!” - Ryan Cole
That puts us all pretty much in sync with Ryan about his attitude (hopefully ours) about the jabs. But that was March - what's happened since then?
COVID vaccines appear to cause abnormally long blood clots, says pathologist
Unusually long blood clots are being found in people who received COVID-19 vaccines, according to Dr Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics in Boise, Idaho.
Global Covid Summit
“We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.”
“The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.”
“We Declare”
"We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
"We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
"We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
"We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
"We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
"We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
"We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
"We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
"We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
"We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable."
A video of their presser:
The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is overwhelmed and understaffed with the amount of injury claims being filed from the Covid-19 Vaccines. The program is now on life support and is on the verge of collapse.
Things have to happen now. Just imagine the chaos in other countries.
Didn't the Biden executive branch and the US legislative branch just sign off on $40 billion to prolong a proxy war thousands of miles away?
“Dr Cole says that the shots are neither safe nor effective. He said the COVID shots were made for the original wild version, and none of the shots have been modified for the variants. Dr Cole stated these shots are all risk and no benefit.”
Note the date. 6 June this year. Days ago.
“The blood clots are not what one would normally think of a clot. Rather than a small clot the size of a BB or larger, these clots are long, worm-like, and some stretch for several inches or even up to several feet long.”
So now it might be more apparent why I-RECOVER turned out the way it does.
Here's Ryan two days earlier. He's unequivocal.
Appendix: Steve Kirsch
It's impossible to keep up to date on Steve Kirsch - whatever you arrive at is already outdated by the time you're ready to pass the info on.
Steve described himself like this in a 2021 SM bio.
“Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (treatearly.org). Left a great job in high tech in order to focus full time on vaccine safety issues. The vaccines are unsafe, we've known this since January, but everyone in power refuses to confront the data in plain sight. I have a website, www.skirsch.io, which has extensive info on vaccine safety and early treatments for COVID.”
Three Easy Steps
Steve sat down with Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone for a marathon session in early June 2021. Everything you wanted to know about Covid is here.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF)
The VSRF is one of a number of sites (organisations) Steve set up in the public interest. Look who he has on board: Peter McCullough, Bryam Bridle, and Robert Malone, to name but three.
You heard about what happened to Justin Bieber, right? Steve has a take on it. And it's not good news for the Bieber. Biebs could get good treatment, but the obstinacy of the med establishment means they'll end up denying him a risk-free alternative just because they don't want to be proven wrong (after all the misery they've already caused).
Defeating Mandates
Steve's also spoken at the two DTM rallies in Washington DC and Los Angeles. As with the Senate hearings, he always seems ready to help any way he can.
Another Bio
Steve wrote this SM bio years ago.
“I am PRO-VAX. Vaccines in general are good. But I’ve never in my life seen a vaccine which has the devastating side effects as this one. Not even close. More than 25% of the adverse effects in VAERS are from these vaccines, making them the most dangerous vaccine since 1990 and maybe of all time.
“These vaccines are problematic and appear to be much riskier than other vaccines by at least two orders of magnitude and probably more. We need to consider their long-term consequences carefully, especially when they are administered to otherwise healthy individuals as well as young adults and children.”
Remember: Steve was saying (writing) all this over a year ago.
“The censorship of patients and doctors is unprecedented. Why are doctors threatened with loss of license for raising legitimate concerns?”
“The reason a doctor or scientist isn’t writing this article is simple: fear of retribution. You would never get another NIH grant in your career or ever get a drug approved by the FDA.”
Very true. Anthony Fauci controls the annual distribution of $6.8 billion. Displease him and the taps get turned off.
“How can a vaccine that has killed at least 20,000 people worldwide so far this year be mandatory, yet Ivermectin which has killed less than 16 people over the past 30 years (and it's probably zero because the associations are never 100% accurate) is considered too risky to recommend for COVID despite 22 published positive studies (for early treatment).”
Again: Steve was saying (writing) all this over a year ago. The figures are much higher today. By an order of magnitude.
Epilogue: Not Over Yet
It's not over yet. Covid. Covid's not over yet. Oh sure, the pandemic's passed. Thanks to that “funny uncle”, as Ryan Cole called Omicron. The Covid variant that made no sense and came out of nowhere, destroyed all previous variants, essentially ending the crisis.
(It seems like Omicron is still making the rounds in some places, but when the CDC starts shutting down, you sense it's over. Most importantly, Omicron knocks out earlier variants and has a seriously high R0, meaning it's going to spread. You might want to shield the frail and elderly, but, to quote William H Gates 3 himself, “Omicron does a better job than my vaccines”.)
At any rate: now we have to deal with the vaccine-injured. We have to help them. Those who believed the FDA when they told everyone that IVM was a “horse dewormer, y'all”. Those who were too intellectually distracted or crippled or irresponsibly lazy to look into what was going on. Those who, like sheep rushing to the slaughter, believed the talking heads they saw on TV and heard on the radio, believed the CDC and Uncle Joe who whispered at them “the vaccines are safe” and went ahead and got their jab, ignoring their own instincts, then got their first booster, then their second, then their third...
For them, this is not over. Not by a long shot. They're the vaccine-injured.
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