How Steve Kirsch Outfoxed Fox
He'll keep on fighting until the entire den of thieves is cleared.
We suspected as much. But we didn't know. Now, it seems, we know.
Steve Kirsch outfoxed Fox.
Fox: that brave news channel that's the "sworn enemy of..." How does Tucker Carlson put it? They're always in opposition, Fox. In opposition to the bad things in the world. Except when it comes to war of course. For when the USG calls for war, they're the first and biggest hawks at the table. Hooray.
Fox: the channel whose HQ is run by - was it a Murdoch? Or an in-law of the Murdochs who once tweeted exuberantly that Trump had been defeated? Is she a champion of Biden? Or just a champion of the "establishment", whatever that is?
Ivory Hecker. Comely wandering reporter in Houston for the Fox affiliate there. Called on to visit with the now legendary Joseph Varon, high commissioner of the equally legendary FLCCC, who's run the UMMC like blazes since January 2020, opening a special clinic with 117 additional beds and himself not taking a day off, at the time of Ivory's visit in June 2021, in over 400 days. And his success record is unparalleled - he's saving the lives of most of his Covid patients.
Joseph's also given interviews to media reporters. Several hundred times.
Ivory asks him what his secret is. "You know, no one's ever asked me that before", Joseph tells her. In hundreds upon hundreds of interviews, Ivory asks incredulously.
In hundreds upon hundreds of interviews, Joseph tells her. No one asks me how I do it.
But Ivory asks, and Joseph tells her. The cameras are rolling.
“I used to use Hydroxychloroquine. Today we use Ivermectin instead.”
Here's the report Ivory filed with Fox Houston.
But Fox Houston never aired the segment. Ivory's boss thought the piece was gangbusters, but, by the following morning, the piece had not aired and Ivory was out of a job. Her boss told her why as well.
Fox HQ.
Fox HQ didn't like the piece.
Ivory was later to reveal that the CDC paid out millions to Fox Houston and other affiliates for just mentioning, in idle on-air banter, how great the vaccines were.
Ivory went to Project Veritas with her story. Here's her "ambush" on the air before she went out the door of Fox Houston.
(Incredibly this clip got more views than the earlier one. Almost as if people care more about Doritos than their health and the health of their loved ones.)
But whatever. For this piece is really about the phenomenal Steve Kirsch, that super mega-donor to the Democratic Party, to the tune of something like 25 million gazillion, who finally tired of them, their wars, their abandonment of human values... And you know that Fox swallowed the bait - how do we say? Hook, line, and sinker.
That's it. Hook, line, and sinker.
The immortal Tucker Carlson was off for the week - all told two days more than a week - so sitting in for Tucker was Brian Kilmeade. We'd known that Steve was going to be on so we kept out an eye for him. Then something unexpected happened. It happened in Mar-a-Lago.
The raid - yes it was a blooming raid - dominated Tucker Carlson Tonight and almost every other show on Fox for two days straight, so Steve bided his time. He was finally interviewed on 10 August.
Here's more or less the full interview.
We covered it too - and noticed some funky stuff about it.
Let's go a bit out on a limb here. Let's guess that Fox wanted Steve on to talk politics, but they were aware that his chief concern is public health.
So they researched him up front and gave Brian a cheat sheet and coached him on what to watch out for and how to respond. (You can see Brian consulting the notes.)
You should also notice that the clip's uploader's been engaged in a bit of self-censorship, likely to evade Google's audio patrol, so he's not demonetised or outright banned.
That piece also included the complete transcript of the interview, which we can duplicate here.
Brian Kilmeade:
Steve, when did the Democratic Party start going south with you?
Steve Kirsch:
Well when they violated my trust, Brian. They told the agencies - the FDA, the CDC, the NIH - that these vaccines were safe and effective, and when I started seeing my friends die and be injured and I started looking at the data, there was no question that this vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created by Man. It is a thousand times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine and that's too unsafe for people to use. And I could not get even a single minute in front of any Democratic congressman. The best I got was that my congressman gave it to a staff member who took two months to get back to me, and when I asked if she had read what I had sent her, she said "no, it disagrees with the CDC, so it's not right, and so I did not read it". So that's as far as I ever got.
Brian Kilmeade:
You did your own research. What did you find was effective and what was the reaction when you put it out there?
Steve Kirsch:
Well what I found was that hundreds of thousands of Americans had been killed by this vaccine and millions have been injured. And clearly you were more likely to be injured or dead from the vaccine than if you were un- [censor edit] - saying, and what the reality is, is completely the opposite. There's a conservative radio show commentator, his name is Wayne Root. He had a [group] eight months ago. And he had about half conservatives and - they're all pretty much conservatives, OK? But half were vaccinated and half were not vaccinated and he found that, of the hundred people that were vaccinated, he had twenty-six people who were seriously injured. And he had seven people who died. And in the unvaccinated group he had zero and zero. That is statistically impossible if the vaccines are safe.
Brian Kilmeade [nervous, keeps trying to stop him, reads from his notes]:
So you know we can't verify those numbers, these are numbers that you have. But in turn the Democrats who you funded exceedingly, won't even return your call, including your own congresswoman. But you said you really believed Senator Ron Johnson, that's somebody you fully support, who's in a real fight to get six more years in Wisconsin. What about Ron Johnson?
Steve Kirsch:
Yeah Ron Johnson is the only person in Congress who cares at all about the millions of people who are vaccine-injured, and my estimates are that there are tens of millions of vaccine-injured in America, and members of Congress will meet with these people, and they meet with them, but thirty minutes later they say Oh! They'll look at their watch and say Gotta go! And that's the end of it. Whereas Ron Johnson has been very consistent about bringing this problem to the attention of the American public.
Brian Kilmeade:
It figures because he's a very successful businessman like you. Steve. Thanks so much, appreciate it.
Schadenfreude is a funny critter, but you gotta let yourself go if you feel a little watching when Kilmeade starts looking through his notes in a panic when Steve starts dropping the bombs. A bit like Phoebe Buffay trying to sell toner by telephone.
Shuffle through the notes, Fox surely anticipated Steve might try to ambush, here are his possible attacks, here's how you respond, and so forth.
So Brian Kilmeade can be seen checking his notes in a panic, and he finally says - what does he say?
So you know we can't verify those numbers, these are numbers that you have. But in turn the Democrats who you funded exceedingly...
Brian's trying to get things back on track (his track, the Fox track) but first he has to TOTALLY DISAVOW what Steve's been saying. (Fox legal must be able to explain why.)
And why is this such a big deal? And why do we see Steve once again as such a hero? That was a total 007 move on his part, but even so: what's the big deal?
The big deal is he got the truth out there. In prime time. On cable's by far biggest show. Something in the MSM never said before.
The Covid vaccines are the most dangerous ever created by “Man”.
They're one thousand times more dangerous (and lethal, mind you, lethal) than the smallpox vaccine that was withdrawn.
There have been so many who've cried and shouted to the heavens about what's going on. Millions who have perished for lack of early treatment. Even as bureaucrats have stood idly by as doctors are prevented from helping and saving the lives of their patients.
Find the part in this clip with Paul Marik, the most published doctor in his field, today the spiritual leader of the FLCCC. Find the part where he tells his own personal story. About how the minions of Anthony Fauci came down on him and how he had to watch his patients... Just find it. Watch a man of Paul Marik's reputation and stature break down before the cameras in the US Senate. A man who's seen everything - everything but this. Scoot to about 4:18:54.
"Fauci and the Biden admin blacklisted effective Covid treatments." That's what it says at the bottom of the screen when Steve comes on. So Fox and Kilmeade were ready to some extent. As long as Steve doesn't go too far. As long as they co-opt the political angle.
Steve somehow picked up on what we wrote. Twice.
A transcript of the interview (and very insightful commentary) can be found here, Steve Kirsch on Tucker Carlson Tonight with Brian Kilmeade. I do not know who Silent Partner is, but he’s spot on in his analysis.
A transcript of the interview, including some very insightful commentary, can be found here, Steve Kirsch on Tucker Carlson Tonight with Brian Kilmeade. I truly do not know who Silent Partner is, but he’s spot on in his analysis.
It's "we", not "he", but thanks for the mention, Steve.
No one is as tireless and invincible as Steve Kirsch when it comes to fighting corruption in this regard. Once diagnosed with a rare and ultimately deadly form of cancer, mega-donor Steve worked with doctors to devise his own cure. Given a new lease on life. Steve set out, as only he can, to do all he can to help others. Steve's been part of both Defeat the Mandates rallies, both in DC and LA, and he can be found at Ron Johnson's big Senate powwows as well. He became known to many for the first time when he joined Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone for that marathon session in the spring of 2021.
Given that Steve's not a doctor, and certainly not medically in the same league as Bret and Robert, you might wonder why he's invited to so many such discussions.
Now you know why. Steve's a hero.
6,446,496. That was the tally at World-O-Meter early on 11 August 2022. 6,446,496 lives lost, thanks to the concerted efforts of Francis Collins, Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and innumerable others who turned the Covid pandemic into a global disaster that almost eclipsed the Holocaust (but simultaneously made them even richer and filthier).
Thanks to USMC Major Joseph P Murphy, Senior Fellow at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and thanks to Project Veritas who first scooped his report, we know how and when and where Covid came about. It was an EcoHealth project financed by Tony Fauci. Fauci used approximately $800,000 of his annual $6,800,000,000 budget to finance it. As Joe Murphy points out in his excellent report time and again, viruses and vaccines are really only different sides of the same coin. Except this Covid coin - this Covid vaccine or virus - wasn't quite ready when it escaped.
EcoHealth had been prepared to combat an escape with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) both of which had been found effective early treatments by April 2020.
Read that part again. Effective early treatments by April 2020. Where was Operation Warp Speed at that point? The President of the United States was on HCQ, so his brief bout with Covid was mostly a walkover. Except you'll never see that mentioned in the MSM. Because, also, Ivermectin, despite what that “Senior Fellow” of DARPA claimed, is only a "horse dewormer, y'all".
The nagging question - nag nag nag - is obvious.
Peter Daszak knew - and presumably Anthony Fauci knew as well - that the only hope they had, given that the labs they'd be using were not top bio safety level 4 and given that there might be an escape, was in the therapeutics EcoHealth recommended: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. They knew these drugs to be effective, as they had experience from earlier SARS outbreaks.
Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were the stated prescribed early treatment drugs. In the case of the - heaven forbid - "escape" that should never happen. So why do a 180-degree pivot when the inevitable happens and brutally crush their use?
6,446,496. The cure for Covid was recognised by April 2020. It was known by EcoHealth from the very get-go. From even earlier.
How many lives were lost to Covid in those first three-four months? How many were lost after those first three-four months?
Look up "UTTAR PRADESH". The Indian "state" that might very well be the least corrupt state in the world. Check out their track record on Covid. And their track record on Covid with Ivermectin. Look it up.
Back in the good old US of A, Steve Kirsch is fighting the good fight. For the vaccine-injured too. Fifteen out of a thousand, it's said. The same drugs help them. Will anyone help them?
Steve Kirsch will keep on fighting until the entire den of thieves is cleared.