Turn off your televisions, put down your digital toys.
Big news today. Two bombshells.
Today's first bombshell - the bigger one - comes courtesy Lawrence Livermore and their colleagues at a particle accelerator somewhere in California.
It's been known for some time that the speed of light is no absolute ceiling. Or, as expressed by a witty East Coast scientist:
'The speed of light is more than a guideline or a rule, it's the law - it says so right there on the label.'
Scientists have of course long speculated about tachyons, from the Greek 'ταχύ', which of course means tacky. Traditional scientists, trapped in cosy cubbyholes, have often felt threatened by the possible existence of tachyons, because they send their laws of physics crashing and burning.
Oh well. Tachyons do exist, they're around you (in you) all the time, and scientists have always known how to detect them - by charting otherwise inexplicable erratic behaviour in the paths of subatomic particles.
Another nugget has been the concept of time itself. It's long been agreed that, should a researcher at a particle accelerator sit at table with another scientist not in the same field and try to explain how time really works, he'd fail.
A bit like a Chinese wooden puzzle, is the closest they can get to explaining it.
Today's breaking news, however, comes as a bit of a shocker. Details will be published real soon now but, as mentioned above, top names at LL and at an as yet unidentified particle accelerator claim to have finally been able to prove that two and two are in fact actually four - without a nanometre of doubt.
They further claim they can also prove that two times two will always - not just occasionally but always - yield the same result.
Our sources are confidential, unfortunately. But, unlike CNN, we shall reveal them as soon as we're legally permitted.
Our sources hasten to add that their white paper on this amazing scientific breakthrough will of course be submitted to a customary peer review.
Other Unrelated Relatively Trivial News
In other unrelated and relatively unimportant news, celebrated journalist Seymour Hersh today published a paper on his Substack (who knew Seymour had a Substack) disclosing the shocking truth about Nord Stream 2 - that it was not, in fact, as the Western MSM had insisted all along, Russia that blew up their own pipeline.
Yes, this was hard to believe at first - almost harder than believing China's weather balloon was, in fact, a weather balloon - but there you have it.
Seymour too has confidential sources. But, unlike CNN, those sources do exist. Berhhard at the Moon insists that there's even more to the story, that Seymour and his sources can be holding back. We shall see.
So try to pull yourselves from the obviously bigger item of the day and concentrate for a moment on this one.
Bornholm & Panama City
Two locations figure prominently in this narrative.
Bornholm. That's a Danish island off the coast of southwestern Sweden.
Bornholm is a lovely but oft-overlooked place. It's an island off the coast of Sweden that belongs to Denmark. Denmark has been part of NATO since 1949.
Bornholm is located some 40 kilometres southwest of Sweden's Scania area, once part of Denmark, and only 170 kilometres from Copenhagen.
Bornholm is connected by ferry with Ystad (remember Wallander) as well as Køge and Sassnitz.
The Danish politician Mogens Glistrup was from Bornholm.
Panama City. That's in Florida.
Both locations figure prominently in Seymour's story.
The story turned up tonight on Tucker Carlson but almost nowhere else. Search for it on DDG and you'll find lots of links. Tucker says it's too detail-rich to be untrue. Of course. Berhhard of MoA speculated in this half a year ago and today says he suspects there's even more to the story than Seymour and his sources reveal.
This is the clip you want to see. You really want to see it.
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
Perhaps you're not familiar with Seymour Hersh? Few come with more impressive CVs.
The piece was syndicated at SOTT. Of course it was.
SOTT also includes a tidy CV graf or two on him.
[Seymour Hersh] has been a staff writer for The New Yorker and The New York Times and established himself at the forefront of investigative journalism in 1970 when he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize (as a freelancer) for his exposé of the massacre in My Lai. Since then he has received the George Polk Award five times, the National Magazine Award for Public Interest twice, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the George Orwell Award, and dozens of other accolades. Seymour lives in DC.
SOTT sprinkles comments into their copy.
The reason for the buildup was hardly 'ominous'. Putin had been stating for years his concerns about NATO moving towards the Russian border, the failure of the West to force Ukraine to implement the Minsk agreements, and complaining loudly about the ongoing shelling of the civilian population in the Russian-dominated Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts by the Ukraine government. How does Hersh miss that part of the story?
[Comment on comment: We know today that Merkel and Hollande never wanted Minsk to be implemented - Minsk was only buying time to weaponise the Ukraine Nazis. The plausibility that Nuland wasn't anchoring this is zero. Think about that: Here you have a Russian Jew so hating the Russians that her rage tells her it's OK to put her considerable weight behind real life WWII-type Nazis. And she went on to brag about this back in 2014.]
So much for the voice of reason. When psychopaths settle on a course, it's almost impossible to sway them.
So the Norwegians and the Danes were in on it, but it's also likely the Israelis, Brits, and Germans were too. NATO is far more than a military alliance - almost all its member states are fully integrated components in a globalist franken-country we might term NATOstan or Westernia.
Nuland oozing smugness:

Oh Victoria. Such a cold shower that the fate of the planet resides on the squishy chubby shoulders of such a delectable beast.
Seymour’s piece made it to the Times. But it’s reportedly too hot a potato for the US MSM.
Another link if the above doesn't work for you.
It made it into the Daily Mail too - but, again, not into the US MSM.
We haven't checked global outlets much. (You might want to - still your curiosity.)
RT picked it up! Of course they did.
Western Journal now picked it up.
'We will, I promise you, we'll be able to do it.'
'The US has been the world's global terrorist for decades.'
And do you remember MH17?
No one remembers the Spanish flight controller who witnessed the whole thing and blasted out reports in realtime on social media?
They got rid of him quick.
Bernhard of the Moon comments on Hersh.
And refers back to his piece at the time.
B wrote at the time:
'Europe's and especially Germany's industry depends on cheap energy from Russia. Without it Europe will be deindustrialised and go broke.'
'The gas that escaped from them yesterday was on its own worth some $600 to $800 million.'
'During the war in Ukraine Russia has not stopped to deliver gas to Europe as contractually agreed. Instead European countries, Poland, Ukraine, and Germany have blocked overland and sub sea pipelines that brought gas to Germany.'
(What a bunch of dorks.)
'It wasn't earthquakes that destroyed the pipelines. These were several well targeted and massive explosions.'
'The Baltic Sea is controlled by NATO.'
'While the Baltops 22 maneuver already took place in June and July of this year the US Sixth Fleet left the Baltic Sea only a few days ago.'
The perfect cover, says Seymour.
'Back then I presented just the available fact and left the conclusion open for the reader to chose. But it has since become more and more obvious that the US was responsible for the enormous economic damage to Germany that its action has caused.'
'The gloating by Sec State Anthony Blinken and his deputy Victoria Nuland is just too too obvious.'
Social media offered a bit of exposure.

Covfefe with Judge & Doug
Raytheon's burned through 7 years of Javelins. UA’s increasingly pissed at corrupt Ze. Judge still thinks the US can negotiate this one... Sorry.
'What emergency? Doesn’t matter. Russian interference was a good startup disaster, but you can keep changing them. The important thing is the pattern. One, declare a crisis. Two, spread panic. Three, take emergency measures. If you do this over and over, you end up with permanent crisis, permanent panic, permanent emergency rule. So long as new crises keep evoking unconscious fear and anxiety, the legitimacy of the political establishment is continuously justified.'
Sputnik picked Hersh up.
As did RIA.
Hersh on Rumble.
(This is actually pretty good.)
‘If this ends up true?’ - Laura Ingraham
The north American continent is surrounded by an almost impenetrable reality distortion field.
Update 9 Feb
According to Tucker Carlson, there’s a near-total blackout on this story, even a day later.